The extraordinary will take care of itself

Lena Konstantakou, 2022

Publisher: Lecturis.

ISBN: 9789462264465

Dimensions: 24.6 x 33cm

Pages: 106 inc. five fold outs

‘The Extraordinary will take care of itself’ is a visual odyssey exploring the essence of belonging. Through the lens, Lena Konstantakou captures the beauty of everyday moments, transforming the mundane into the sublime. With a deep love for nature and the sea she traverses landscapes both familiar and unknown, seeking connection and solace in the ordinary.


Each photograph is a testament to the profound tranquility found in the embrace of nature, where the rhythm of the sea and the whisper of the wind offer a sense of belonging and renewal. As she navigates this personal journey, she also discovers a new identity back to her roots. Ultimately, ‘The Extraordinary will take care of itself’ is a poetic celebration of the ordinary, a reminder that within the simplicity of everyday life lies the true magic of existence.